Sunday, April 10, 2011

More Yuck.

Bleah. Don't even ask me about this weekend, binge city. I ate out with the fam more than once and had to get fast food on the way back to school. Not weighing myself tonight, hell no. I will work out every day this week, no matter how tired I am. No idea what I weigh now, I'm at least 123, I can feel it sticking to me. I'll restrict myself like crazy too. I don't want to feel fat like I do now. I want to feel amazing like last week but even better! No excuses for myself this week though, considering I ate everything that didn't eat me first this weekend. If I don't weigh a crazy amount tomorrow after working out I'll go for 119 by this Friday, at least. Just going to have to tread a very thin line I guess. -americaneaglelove: And I let him use my computer, and he just found it in the search history and got curious! lol But yeah, it was really sweet how concerned he was, and he definitely is a keeper. :) Thanks for your support sweetie!

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